August 1, 2023
Here is a slideshow of Childress ISD employees! Familiar faces and some new ones!
June 7, 2023
The CES supply list can be found at this link: CES Supply List 23-24
May 19, 2023
CHS Graduation live stream will be available via the NFHS Network. A paid subscription is not required to watch this event. NFHS Graduation Link
May 9, 2023
NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AND INVITATION TO BID Childress ISD is accepting sealed bids for property located between Avenues I and J and between 8th and 9th St...
May 3, 2023
Send payment to Kristie Churchill P.O. Box 1052 Childress, TX 79201
Or leave it at the CES office ALL forms are due MAY 19
May 2, 2023
Childress ISD - Invitation to Bidders (Block 163) Land Sale 2 acres Download Here: Childress ISD - Invitation to Bidders (Block 163) Land Sale 2 acres
April 25, 2023
Lea la carta de TEA y proporcione su opinion sobre como puede ayudar a mejora los servicios de educacion especial para los estudiantes en el estado de Texas. Enlace de encuest...
April 25, 2023
Please read the letter from TEA and provide your input on how you can help improve special education services for students in the state of Texas. Survey Link
April 21, 2023
Please visit this page to see more information about the 2023 Childress Boys Sports Camp being put on by Coach Wayne Parker. The camp will be from May 22nd - May 24th. Childre...
April 11, 2023
CJHS Future Events of Interest
April 19 STAAR reading April 24 Sports Ceremony 6:00ish April 26 8th STAAR Social studies April 27 8th STAAR Science May 2 STAAR Math May 3 UIL t...
March 29, 2023
CJHS would like to congratulate the following young ladies who will be cheering for our Bobkittens next year! 2023-2024 Cheerleaders Back Row (LtoR): 8th Grade - McKenzie Rodrig...